Welcome! Shirley's Ministry Corner
Women Without Children, Who Are They?: A Life Journey
Christ Evangelistic Ministries- Social Work and Consultant Services
Christ Evangelistic Ministries
Consultant Services
Shirley A. Walker, MSW, LCSW
Welcome to Christ Evangelistic Ministries. I am Shirley A. Walker, licensed Clinical Social Worker by the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners. I have many years experience in mental health, health care, family service, social work education, and caregiving my beautiful mom before she went to be with our Lord. I am happy to be a resource and welcome interested persons to contact me for the following faith-based Christ-Centered consultative services:
Seminar: "God's Transforming Journey of Caregiving" for adult caregivers of aging dementia/Alzheimer's parents/in-laws/family
Topic 1: Caregivers of Aging Family, Part 1
Topic 2: Caregivers of Aging Family, Part 2
Topic 3: Understanding Cognitive Issues
Topic 4: Understanding Dementia Behaviors and Alzheimer?s Disease
Topic 5: Positive Responses to Dementia Behaviors
Topic 6: Self Care and the Caregivers Bill of Rights
Topic 7: Community Resources
Topic 8: Rewards of Caregiving/A Time of Sharing
Seminar: "Women Without Children" for women who have never given birth and reared a child
Topic 1: Beginnings
Topic 2: Misconceptions and Stereotypes
Topic 3: Environmental Stress
Topic 4: Loss and Chronic Sorrow
Topic 5: God's Work in My Life
Spirit of Hope Support Group for adult children caregiving their aging family members with dementia/Alzheimer's
For a personal and seminar reference, please feel free to contact Pastor Bob Brydon, Leander, Texas at 512-616-7000 or Pastor Mark Westerfield, Round Rock, Texas at 512-338-3408.