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Women Without Children, Who Are They?: A Life Journey

Blessings To You
Women Without Children, Who Are They?: A Life Journey (See this page for the latest update)
August 2019-Christ Evangelistic Ministries-Bloodlines Cleansing
News Flash! My new eBook, "Life, According to Father God" is published! You won't want to miss this!
Purchase at Amazon.com Kindle Reader; Barnesandnoble.com The Nook Reader; iTunes on your iPhone; International Customers can purchase online
My booklet is here! : "Father God's Generosity of Jesus"
2019-Director, Christ Evangelistic Ministries-Bloodlines Cleansing Ministry
2017-Guide for Intercessors is ready! See Events Page for More Info
Retirement from UMHB July 2010-See Events Page
2014-Consultant Services
2015-God's Transforming Journey of Caregiving Seminars
2016-Spirit of Hope Support Groups for caregivers of dementia/Alzheimer's family members
Certified (2015) for the Healing Room Prayer Team Ministry
Contact me: sawalker8441@att.net
Women who chose to be childless and women who are childless for other reasons talk about life in twenty-first century America.
Shirley A. Walker addresses the impact of societal systems affecting women without children in twenty-first century America; honest communication from the women about what they want America to understand about them; and most uniquely, the impact God/faith and places of worship have on their lives. There is a special message to each human being who struggles with adversity at one time or another in their life journeys.
Please visit periodically for new updates! Thank you.